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From the epic grandeur of 大瑟尔 to the scenic 圣芭芭拉分校 coastline nicknamed “the American Riviera,” this region of picturesque hamlets, jagged sea cliffs, and rolling wine country has long mesmerized visitors with dreamlike beauty. A drive along Highway 1 is an absolute must—be sure to leave time for stops at the 蒙特利 Bay Aquarium, 赫斯特城堡, and a 圣路易斯奥比斯波 County beach town or two. Cowboy culture still permeates 帕索罗伯斯 and environs, and so does the low-key wine scene. Discover hidden gems in the Santa Ynez Valley, 文图拉县, and pretty much everywhere else.





    California Winery

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